Monday, March 26, 2012

Restoring the backedup database

Dear All,

I had created the backup for the exisiting datbase by writing the schedule which triggers at the particular time on a day. The backup format i had used is .bak. Now i want to restore these backup files into another database (fake database). When i am trying to restore the backup data, an error stating 'The backup set holds the backup of other than exsting <Database Name> database' is displayed and the restore operation is terminating abnormally. kindly give the excat soultion for this problem..

Regards,Try to rstore with the option "Force restore over existing database" (Enterprise Manager - All Tasks - Restore Database (option panel)

Originally posted by pardhu
Dear All,

I had created the backup for the exisiting datbase by writing the schedule which triggers at the particular time on a day. The backup format i had used is .bak. Now i want to restore these backup files into another database (fake database). When i am trying to restore the backup data, an error stating 'The backup set holds the backup of other than exsting <Database Name> database' is displayed and the restore operation is terminating abnormally. kindly give the excat soultion for this problem..

Regards,|||Hai dbadelphes,

I tried even by checking that option.

Originally posted by dbadelphes
Try to rstore with the option "Force restore over existing database" (Enterprise Manager - All Tasks - Restore Database (option panel)|||Make sure the database name is identical between these 2 servers.
BTW what command you're using to restore?|||Hai,

I am trying thru Enterprise Manager Wizard. I made the database names identical even.


Originally posted by Satya
Make sure the database name is identical between these 2 servers.
BTW what command you're using to restore?|||From QA have you tried using WITH MOVE (no existing db1), or REPLACE (when you have a new db1)?

Try making sure that no db1 currently exists, then something like:
WITH MOVE 'db1_Data' TO 'R:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\db1.mdf',
MOVE 'db1_Log' TO 'q:\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\data\db1.ldf'

Refer to BOL for more information on BACKUP statement.sql

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