Saturday, February 25, 2012

Restoring Databases

I'm restoring user databases and I would like
confirmation that the system databases(master, model,
msdb)should be restored as well.
Any guidance would be appreciated.It Depends
What broke? Why are you restoring? What are you trying to accomplish?
Geoff N. Hiten
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Senior Database Administrator
I support the Professional Association for SQL Server
"Me" <> wrote in message
> I'm restoring user databases and I would like
> confirmation that the system databases(master, model,
> msdb)should be restored as well.
> Any guidance would be appreciated.|||Hi,
What are you trying to accomplish by restoring system databases.
1. User Databases can be restored directly
2. MSDB, Model also can be restored directly
For restoring Master database we should start SQL server in Single user
"Me" <> wrote in message
> I'm restoring user databases and I would like
> confirmation that the system databases(master, model,
> msdb)should be restored as well.
> Any guidance would be appreciated.

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