Tuesday, February 21, 2012

restoring database with FTS to another machine

I would like to help me to restore the FTS database in another machine. The
problem is that in the main server the drive letter is different than in the
one where I want to restore, in the production(main) server drive in M, in
the test server I can put it in D, for instance. Can you please tell me the
best or easiest way of restoring this database?
Thanks a lot,
I tried this to change the path in another server where I restored my db:
DECLARE @.path_s VARCHAR(100)
SELECT @.path_s = 'D:\Fulltext' -- CHANGE HERE IF WANTED
IF @.path_s = ''
SELECT @.path_s = LEFT(filename, LEN(RTRIM(filename)) - CHARINDEX('\',
FROM sysfiles WHERE fileid = 1
UPDATE dbo.sysfulltextcatalogs SET path = @.path_s
Any other solution from your side ?
"BaniSQL" wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to help me to restore the FTS database in another machine. The
> problem is that in the main server the drive letter is different than in the
> one where I want to restore, in the production(main) server drive in M, in
> the test server I can put it in D, for instance. Can you please tell me the
> best or easiest way of restoring this database?
> Thanks a lot,
> BaniSQL

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